M.A.D.4Kids' Support Fund helps to pay the salaries of four teachers each month at the GSM school and fund a daily feeding programme for hundreds of children. For many this is the only hot meal they will receive that day.
The Support fund provides a stable monthly income for the charity which allows us to meet our ongoing financial commitments to the school.
If you feel that you can help us by joining our support fund and donating just a few pounds each month, we can guarantee that every penny of your money will be used to feed and educate children at the school.
We hope you will be able to help us by completing and sending to your bank the attached standing order mandate for a few pounds per month (more if you choose!). Would you also please return to us, the confirmation slip below.
If you are a tax payer and are willing for us to reclaim gift aid on your donation please tick the box on your return slip – this will allow us to reclaim an additional 25p gift aid for every £1 donated.